My Production Reel

Trailer Edited by Omar Capers, Sound design by Omar Capers, Original Score: Seth Krispin

A psychology student is suddenly thrust into the future where he witnesses the dark fates of his peers. Will he escape the nightmare? Please watch, like, and leave your thoughts in the comments below! 

Director: Meredith Delfalco Dir. Photography: Romel Punsal Editor: Omar Capers Ad: Filemon Palero Sound: Omar Capers, George Mocharko Original Score: Seth Krispin Hair & Makeup: Danielle Wheeler Prod. Asst: Zsuzsa Teleki Script Supvsr: Chantel Carter Cast: Larvel Freeman, Carrie Sheya ‚ Ozcar Nan, Jr. ‚ Grayson Swaze, Katelyn Williamson, Victoria Jennings, Joel Bernola

Video tells stories in ways that text cannot. Here you'll explore the various video projects I've made for my clients to help enhance their brand's reach and scope. Shown here are video assets created from scratch from shoot to post.
Rock Creek Sports Club Brand: Personal Training Video Bios

RCSC Personal Trainer: Vesi M.

RCSC Personal Trainer: Tony J.

Balance and Fall Prevention Class Promo Video

RCSC Personal Trainer: Colon D.

View all personal training videos created for Rock Creek Sports Club.
Balance Gym Brand: Personal Training Video Bios
Balance Gym Brand: Social Media Ads
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